Virtuous Woman Trademark Information

A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device or any combination of word, name, symbol, or device, used or intended to be used, to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one seller or provider, from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods or services.

The word "Virtuous Woman" and "Virtuous Woman" logo are federally registered trademarks of A.Fitzgerald Hardnett


Please don’t misuse our trademarks, especially not in your budding "print on demand" apparel business.

We must protect the Virtuous Woman Marks, because we are accountable to assure consumers that the products they receive bearing our marks are our authentic hi quality products, and contribute to our missions. We give at a minimum of 10% of EVERY shirt sold, to our local church, which is actively involved in spreading the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ. Bootleg purchases do not do this!

Trademark law requires that we not only protect against improper use of the Virtuous Woman Marks, but also protect against the use of confusingly similar marks, like Virtuous Women

We do not permit the following uses of the Virtuous Woman Marks:

using the trademark or confusingly similar marks in the product title, product description or product images

Incorporating the Virtuous Woman Marks or a confusingly similar mark into, for example, the name of your business, organization, non-profit organization, event, or trademark.

Removing, altering, distorting or modifying the Virtuous Woman Marks, including adding other terms to the Virtuous Woman Marks to create new words.

  • Using the Virtuous Woman Marks or a confusingly similar mark in a way that falsely implies a relationship or affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement by A.Fitzgerald Hardnett. or that can be reasonably interpreted to suggest information comes from, or represents the views or opinions of Virtuous Woman or an Virtuous Woman employee.

If you have any questions contact us at